Child & Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Procedure

This procedure ensures children and vulnerable adults are provided with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of an employee of Parthian Climbing or whilst in a Parthian Climbing facility. It provides all managers and senior staff with the knowledge to promote a culture that ensures children are listened to and respected as individuals. It ensures employees receive adequate training and information enabling them to make informed and confident responses to specific child and vulnerable adult safeguarding issues.

All employees whose role involves direct contact with children or vulnerable adults have had a DBS check carried out and kept on record, and undertake regular safeguarding training.


Parthian Climbing Safeguarding Officer – Andy Fleming


The Facility Manager and Safeguarding Officer are responsible for monitoring this procedure at site level. They should ensure that employees receive the necessary safeguarding information and training.

The Duty Manager is responsible for ensuring that employees are conducting themselves and the sessions they lead in accordance with the Child and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Procedure.

All employees are responsible for ensuring they are always adhering to this procedure.

Parthian Climbing follow safeguarding guidelines set out by the British Mountaineering Council. These are also informed by Sport England and the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). The BMC’s own Child Protection Policy is referenced in Parthian Climbing’s policy document and forms the basis of Parthian Climbing’s Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults safeguarding procedure. The BMC policy document is included as an appendix to this policy.

A downloadable copy of the BMC Child Protection Policy can be found on their website or at

Raising Awareness – If an employee becomes aware of anything which causes them to feel uncomfortable, they should speak to either a Duty Manager, Facility Manager or Safeguarding Officer. If necessary, they can also speak to the Operations Director or Chief Executive Officer. Please refer to the Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding pack for current contact hierarchy.

Incidents of a minor nature can be recorded on the Parthian Climbing Near Miss / Accident / Incident digital report form, in addition to making the above-named person(s) aware.

If the suspected individual(s) are employed by Parthian Climbing, the employee should inform the Facility Manager directly. If the Facility Manager is the individual in question, the employee should raise awareness with the Operations Director or Chief Executive Officer.

Recording Information

All staff have access to the Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding pack, copies of which are located on reception. Once the incident has been reported this information is locked in a designated safe place on the premises. The incident can then be recorded digitally once all statements have been collected. The paper copy must then be destroyed.

Maintaining Safeguarding Awareness in a booking context

When making bookings by e-mail, reception or over the telephone staff must ensure that they do not share the names and booking details of other participants booked on any Parthian courses. Booking information for all courses must not be shared with a third party. This includes the names of individuals booked on the same course. All booking information is protected data under GDPR.


All employees required to work directly with children or vulnerable adults will be subject to a DBS check (or equivalent) during the induction process. During this process, the employee is asked to disclose any information that will show on their completed DBS check. If any information is disclosed, this must be immediately communicated to the Operations Director and Chief Executive Officer.

General Safeguarding principles whilst at work

When working in a climbing orientated environment a ‘hands on approach’ may sometimes be necessary. Ensure that such contact is kept to a minimum, done openly, in response to the child’s needs and is with knowledge and consent of the child and the parent. Describe what you are going to do, get verbal consent and carry out the task at arm’s length, in a positive open manner.

Avoid putting yourself at risk by being alone with any customers especially when not in eyesight of others or in areas not covered by CCTV if applicable. If you are in an enclosed space with another customer always have another staff member or adult with you. When fitting PPE to a child or vulnerable adult or attaching them to a system ensure you do not have your back facing the parents / guardians.

If a parent or guardian makes the facility aware that another individual can collect the child, then a safe word must be provided. The safe word must be stored under the notes section on the child’s account. If we are made aware that a certain induvial is not allowed to collect, the same safe word policy must be implemented.

Instructed sessions

When parents / guardians are collecting children / vulnerable adults at the end of a session, employees must ensure that they can see the child/children/vulnerable adult(s) return to a parent/guardian or group leader. If they are not collected an employee must remain with them until the parent/guardian or group leader arrives. If the employee needs to leave to start another session or because they have finished work, they must notify the Duty Manager of the situation and ensure the individual is passed on to the parent / guardian. Parthian Climbing acknowledges that parents/guardians do allow their children to attend sessions without their presence and allow the child/children to be left in the facility alone. Where there is a concern about the child or children’s safety, the Duty Manager will be notified. The Duty Manager should then contact the parent or guardian.