Round three was held at Highball climbing Centre in Norwich. Myself & Mark left Reading at 6am to arrive to a very busy Centre at 9am. We were greeted by the staff on reception, also by the smell of coffee. With a strong show of our RCC Academy, the day began…

As a climber myself, my first impressions on the blocs were that they seemed to be on the harder side but great to route read with some incredible looking moves.
Briefing for category D & E started at 10am sharp! It was all go from there.

With a toughstart and noticeably harder sequencescompared with the blocs in Round One at Stronghold Climbing Centre, the RCC Academy climbers felt the effects. However, this was not going to deter them and aftera chat from Myself & Mark, also a quick climb away from the crowds, they found a second wind and got back out there.
A short while later category C, then B, then finally A joined in the business. With queues going down quickly and efficiently, if you blinked,you’dmiss everything.

There were some incredible finishes, even one block with an outward facing finish (smile for the camera!)
One of the highlights included an RCC Academy climber getting disorientated on the start position and doing a 360 turn before going on to finish the bloc! (see first image for more)
With two podiums and an abundance of exhausted but happy climbers, the day came to an end.
Daisy Best –2ndCat E Girls

Isla Thompson –2ns Cat A Girls
Big thank you Highball and the BMC for organising the event.
Author: Sam Peett; RCC Coach & Development Manager