Olympics Sport Climbing Qualification

SPORT CLIMBING TOKYO 2020 On Tuesday 3rd July 2020 Sport Climbing made its debut on the biggest stage in the world, the Olympic Games. DAY 1 Men’s Combined Speed Sport Climbings opening day saw the Men’s Combined Qualifications start with the newest element to the climbing competition scene, Speed Climbing. Read More

Olympics Games Tokyo 2020 Sport Climbing

Sport Climbing at Tokyo 2020 After months of will it won’t it happen, the Olympics Games Tokyo 2020 is here, and with it brings the debut appearance of Sport Climbing. So, a few things to clarify before we go any further… Yes, it is referred to as Sport Climbing, so… Read More


“ENGAGE!” As Captain Jean Luc Picard would say before boldly going where no-one has gone before… Many of us would do well to take his advice – not the exploring bit – but to engage our glutes! As climbers, we often focus on upper body and core strength; however we… Read More

Just starting: how to climb at your best.

My alarm is set for 7 but I am wide awake at 5, full of nerves and excitement: today could be the day. We are driving with a friend to a crag in Yorkshire, where I am hoping to do a route that felt possible last time I tried it… Read More

The Power of Knowledge – Know Your Holds

I was in the garden the other day carrying around some rather large plant pots when I started to feel that familiar feeling in my forearms.  That which you get on a climb, forearm pump.  I looked down at my hand that were holding underneath the rim of the plant… Read More

The Power of Planning – Route Reading

How many of us are guilty of jumping straight onto a climb without looking at it first, only to fall off and notice a foot hold you missed?  This is why route reading is so important.  If you are aware of the holds before you set off and ideally some… Read More


Ah, coffee.. it’s good right? I love making it, tasting it, drinking far too much of it. All of that hasn’t changed since our wee cafe, ‘Ground up’ had to sadly close its doors along with the climbing centre on that fateful day in March. I know we’re… Read More

How can we train for climbing without climbing?

As someone who spends pretty much all of their free time either climbing at the crag or training at the wall, the adjustment to a life staying confined to home is a big one, to say the least! At the same time, it is a manageable one. Personally, the thing I… Read More


In January, we set off on the 30-hour journey to New Zealand for some adventuring, relaxing and (hopefully) lots of climbing. Although our three-month trip was cut short by COVID-19, we managed to fit in loads of climbing, hitting crags all over the South Island and, on rainier days, checking… Read More

The Power of Technique – Footwork

There are a lot of different techniques that are useful for climbing but one the most important is footwork. The reason for this is that your legs are a lot stronger than your arms and using your feet correctly means you can push up through your legs, saving… Read More